To appease the spirit of an unborn child
(By Psychic Khanya)
Kumsebebenzi wam wokuxilonga (ngamakhasi/deck-tarot okanye ngamathambo/throwing bones), ndidibana kakhulu noomama okanye abazali abanengxaki yomoya womntana ongazange ulenze ixesha.
As a light worker, I strive to help people understand their lives, accept problems and difficult times as they come. I, myself have had to deal with appeasing the spirit of an unborn baby.
Many women who experience miscarriages or encounter relationship problems, more often than not, on consultation, I have found that they are led by male spiritual guides. When these male guides are not properly acknowledged, they tend to create havoc.
Females who are led by male guides and have not been properly acknowledged may experience a range of problems, including:
•menstrual problems
•relationship problems with males
•miscarriages/still birth
•abortion (feeling the need to terminate)
•should the baby be delivered, the mother may experience a connection problem usually termed as Post Natal Depression
We need to understand that the majority of problems we experience in the physical world usually emanates from the spiritual world.
Firstly, we need to understand that for such a mother, there may be some spiritual meaning, hence the miscarriage or abortion even.
If the other male guides that you have in your life are not happy with the way you are handling yourself or you haven’t accepted and recognized them in your life, this may happen to you.
It may also happen if perhaps you have a gift that you refuse to accept formally and you just refuse to believe in the ancestors and acknowledge their existence in your life.
Another reason may also be a partner who refuses to honour your gift through the process of ukukhunga when beginning a relationship with you.
All in all, such cases happen when ancestors are not happy with our conduct and they then want to demonstrate that they have the power to affect our lives that much.
In the case of an abortion, we need to understand that people make a decision to abort because of different reasons and no one should be in a position to judge.
Usually, women who are led by male guides are brave and tend to be go-getters, such that for them, making a decision to abort is easier, as opposed to women who are female guided (amagwala lawo).
No matter what the wase is, abortion also fall under the scenario where a pregnancy is terminated before the child is born, this being because of medical complications or a personal matter. This then leaves us with a soul of a child which has not lived but can still wander around us as a spirit in our lives.
When this tender spirit is among other ancestors, it feels less important and ends up causing problems in that woman’s life. The spirit babies may feel that they are among experienced spirits who know more about the physical world than them. The tender spirits may feel left out and unimportant.
We all know that when spirits speak, we don’t all get the message at the first go. It is usually not until our lives have been disrupted that we turn to the spiritual world for answer. These tender spirits usually cry for help in different ways, forcing the mother to do something about their plight.
On the other hand, we also need to understand the journey of the soul deeply in order to realise that the foetus/baby itself has agreed to dying before life. In this case it does not matter whether we are talking about abortion, miscarriage or still birth. Each and every soul chooses to return to earth to fulfill certain obligations which may or may not include living life in the sense of being carried to term in their mother’s womb.
When looking for answers to the reasons for miscarriage:still birth, it is important for one to understand the own ancestral connections.
As as a light worker, my duty is to assist the mother who is consulting with me to understand this. If there are spirits that need acceptance and cleansing, then we focus on that.
I have dealt with many mothers who have endured a lifetime of blaming themselves and falling into depression due to this very problem. When most of the times all that needs to be done is to cleanse the mother, acknowledge the spirit of the unborn child, give them a name and celebrate their life.
My personal preference is performing ILADI...this is when the family comes together to give the baby a name, have the presence of young children who will be made to enjoy a feast of nice food (sweets, biscuits, fruit,etc) during a prayerful ceremony. The souls of spirit babies thrive in the presence of happy children.
About the author
Khanya is a top South African Psychic with 20 years experience. An intuitive reader and truth seeker. she cuts through illusions to help people see the truth in situations and advises on practical solutions that support her clients on their journey... to get deeper insights and guidance, get a reading session with Khanya